The vows have been said, the gifts have been unwrapped, and the thank you notes have been sent. The wedding is officially over, but now what? Now you're married, which is a huge commitment. You may have vowed to not become like every other old boring married couple out there, but that's a bit easier said than done.
Luckily, we have 20 tips to start a marriage strong and keep that bond as you continue on your lives together.
After being together for over 5 years Jamie and Jorge finally got the opportunity to meet! On January 7th 2018 a young couple in love couldn't of been happier. "The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." Something I think was easy for the two of you to find! Enjoy your timeless moments...
On January 3rd Mr. & Mrs. Degree made it official at the Bridgeport Town Hall. Making it special as their aunt was their officiant it all came together as close family and friends joined them as they exchanged rings and said their vows. We decided to freeze for a bit in the 5 degree weather for some cute formals to portray their happily ever after. Enjoy these timeless moments!
On the 22nd Day of December we met this young couple in downtown Boston for a stroll through some of most beautiful landscapes, and architecture around. As their love for each other warmed our hearts despite the brisk cold of the winter air Magic followed as the snow began to fall to create a winter wonderland. I am super excited and cant wait to capture their amazing wedding in September of 2018. Enjoy these timeless moments!
April 2022